Stucco Primer Knauf 5kg

Regular price €26,95
Sale price €26,95 Regular price
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Product description

Knauf Stuc-Primer 5kg: Pre-treatment of Highly Absorbent Surfaces

Knauf Stuc-Primer has been developed to effectively treat highly absorbent stony surfaces indoors. An untreated surface can lead to burning of the plaster, resulting in poor adhesion of the plaster mortar and loss of quality. Knauf Stuc-Primer reduces the absorption of the substrate and prepares it for the plaster plaster to be applied.


  • Brand: Knauf
  • Weight: 5kg
  • Consumption: About 100 grams per m2


  1. Substrate Preparation:

    • Remove any contamination as thoroughly as possible.
    • Make sure that the surface is clean, dust and grease-free.
  2. Temperature Requirements:

    • During processing and drying, the temperature of the substrate and surroundings must not be below +5°C.
  3. Applying the Knauf Stuc Primer:

    • Dilute the Knauf Stuc-Primer with clean tap water, depending on the absorbency of the surface, in a ratio of 1:1 to a maximum of 1:3.
    • Stuc-Primer that is too diluted loses its effectiveness.
    • Treat the surface thoroughly with the diluted Knauf Stuc-Primer using a lambskin roller or apply it mechanically.
  4. Drying time:

    • Make sure that the surface is well saturated with Knauf Stuc-Primer.
    • Wait before applying the finishing layer until the Knauf Stuc-Primer is no longer sticky and completely dry, with a drying time of approximately 6 hours at 23°C and 50% relative humidity.
    • A lower temperature and higher humidity can extend the drying time.
  5. Important Note:

    • Keep the time between drying Knauf Stuc-Primer and the start of plastering as short as possible to prevent dust deposits.
    • Plastering Knauf Stuc-Primer while still damp can reduce the effectiveness and adhesion of the plaster layer.

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